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Civic Engagement

Democratic Participation: Analysis of the Situation of Human Rights and Democracy in Peru

16:00-17:00 CET / 00:00-01:00 KST+1

Online event

Democracy is under siege across the globe, with fundamental rights being steadily eroded amidst a backdrop of conflict, coup attempts, and the rise of authoritarian regimes.

In Peru, democratic values are facing significant challenges, marked by growing polarization and the ascendancy of far-right, extremist, and populist factions. Trust in democratic institutions is waning, accompanied by a reluctance to participate in electoral processes and collective action.

Civil society organizations in Peru are grappling with numerous hurdles, including a lack of structured dialogue platforms and insufficient funding and support. The rights to protest and strike are increasingly curtailed, especially for groups advocating for the rights of migrants and asylum seekers. The LGBTQIAP+ community is disproportionately affected by the erosion of the rule of law and democratic principles.

Moreover, the independence of the judiciary and media freedom are threatened by legislative measures that undermine the foundational pillars of democratic and pluralistic societies.

Join Red Nacional de Defensores de DDHH y Espacio Cívicio Perú, the Embassy of the Netherlands to Peru, and Centro de Liderazgo e Innovación para Mujeres de las Américas for this event on Peruvian democracy on 19 March for Partners for Democracy Day.

* This event was held in Spanish
* For more information, please contact Nadia Serrano (


  • Centro de Liderazgo e Innovación para Mujeres de las Américas
  • Red Nacional de Defensores de DDHH y Espacio Cívicio Perú
  • Embassy of the Netherlands to Peru