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Red de Innovación Local

HQ Country
Office locations
Where they work
Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean
Modality of engagement
Capacity building, Project implementation, Research/analysis/knowledge production
Thematic area
Citizen participation, Democracy assistance, Democratic innovations, Local democracy, Media freedom, Transparency & open government

We are a non-profit civil association that empowers local governments by strengthening their management skills. This enables them to maximize their impact and transform their communities, ultimately fostering a stronger democracy.

The cities that join the network have access to programs and tools to become:

  • COLLABORATIVE CITIES that learn together with their peers.
  • INNOVATIVE CITIES that implement transformative methodologies.
  • EFFICIENT CITIES that use data to plan their strategies.
  • SUSTAINABLE CITIES that promote partnerships for future growth.
  • DIGITAL CITIES that take advantage of technology to benefit the citizens.
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