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Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue

The European Commission and International IDEA have the pleasure to invite you to the Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue: Beyond the Summit for Democracy, opportunities and the way forward on 13 December 2022.

The first Summit for Democracy (S4D) and the ‘Year of Action’ put the spotlight on democracy at a critical time and engaged democratic leaders to formulate domestic and external commitments on democracy and human rights. The S4D Year of Action Dialogue will offer a unique opportunity to governments, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to take stock on the good practices of the S4D implementation process so far, share lessons learnt and identify opportunities for continuous engagement beyond the Year of Action and the second S4D to maximise the impact of achievements. The event will particularly explore the added value of cohorts, the dynamics of bringing governments and civil society together to shape future action on commitments, and the role that can be played by EU Member States. It will feature speakers from EU institutions, government representatives from EU Member States, Africa and North America, and civil society organisations.

We look forward to welcoming you in person or online. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa-Marie Dalke:

The webinar will start at 10:00 CET.