Our partner, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is delighted to announce the appointment of Aidan Eyakuze as its new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Eyakuze brings a wealth of experience in open government, transparency, and citizen engagement in Africa and beyond, positioning OGP to strengthen its mission of advancing government openness and accountability worldwide.
Eyakuze joined the OGP Civil Society Steering Committee in 2016 and served as Co-Chair in 2021-2022 where he – alongside the government of Italy – incentivized country-level action, sought to leverage global and regional fora to advance open government, and aimed to lead OGP into its second decade by spearheading the development of OGP’s 2023-2028 strategy. Following his tenure in the SC, he served as OGP Envoy where he supported efforts to raise OGP’s international profile and continued to advance the Partnership’s interests.
Read the full statement here.