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Call for Solidarity: Stop Execution of Five Pro-Democracy Activists in Myanmar

The ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) is deeply troubled by receiving a report from a reliable source that five (5) democracy activists will be executed on 24 September 2024.
They are – Zaryaw Phyo (32), San Min Aung (24), Kyaw Win Soe (33), Kaung Pyae Sone Oo (27) and Myat Phyo Pwint (unknown) who were sentenced to death on 18 May 2023 in a closed-door hearing at the Yangon’s Insein Prison for their alleged involvement in a deadly shooting on a train in Yangon in 2021. They were charged with murder and illegal weapons under several statutes, including the 1949 Arms Act and a 2014 Counterterrorism Law.
APHR urgently demands that the State Administration Council (SAC) refrain from this arbitrary execution and immediately release them unconditionally.
For more on this unfolding news and to learn more.