Citizens convention on UK Democracy: Supporting the Global Summit for Democracy

Supporters of the Global Summit for Democracy have expressed frustration with the failure to turn sentiment into concrete progress. They wish to set out an ambitious future backed by specific funded actions.
Citizens’ Convention on UK Democracy aimed at provoking some practical action from the Summit through its contribution which took the form of a letter sent to President Biden as the host of the first and second Summits. President Biden’s administration was asked to create a Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assembly Cohort (DDCA) as a part of the 140 nation Summit for Democracy. The DDCA was created to meet the needs for democratic evolution and renewal of trust by implementing different actions. A Global “Marshall Plan” to roll out Deliberative democracy, beginning with an urgent Central & Eastern Europe Action Plan; A global “What Works” organisation for DDCA – an evidence, advocacy and advice network available to all nations for free; A global Citizens’ Assembly/Deliberation on Democracy making practical recommendations annually to the Summit and finally a choice of 11 steps forward for deliberative democracy open to every nation.
The work benefitted the Cohorts by providing them with a navigational aid to steer towards while establishing a clear and meaningful feedback process for decision and progression by the Summit. It also contributed to making cutting edge global institutions familiar with deliberative democracy and thereby contributing to the development and enhancement of democracy overall.