Counterpart International: Training in Communications Sharpens Salvadoran Civil Society’s Advocacy

With the aim to equip civil society leaders with the necessary capacities to promote human rights and advocate for El Salvador’s vulnerable populations, The Rights and Dignity Project – implemented by Counterpart International, Partners El Salvador, and supported by the United States Agency for International Development USAID – honed participants’ skills in effective communication, personal branding and strategic voice. The training was developed during 2023 in collaboration with the Center for Training and Promotion of Democracy, CECADE and targeted the communicative competencies of 26 leaders of civil society organizations as well as Salvadoran media.
Over several days, the civil society leaders were trained on the current socio-political trends, the media of the 21st century and models for new communication narratives, both in terms of personal branding and organizational messages. Topics explored included the climate crisis, transparency during electoral processes, diversity in terms of orientation, expression and gender identity, the status of job opportunities in the country, rights of people with disabilities, the effects of current government security policies on the youth population and digital rights.
During the practical sessions, participants developed their own communication materials. These had a widespread impact, reaching a total of 404,899 users on social media and generating more than 11,000 interactions in related posts. Participants also gained the tools to transfer what they had learned to the organizational level, leveraging campaign design, message generation and the improved use of social media channels. One civil society leader expressed that, thanks to the course, the organization is now ready to establish a new methodology to communicate its mission and the problems perceived in the country’s communities. This methodology will help them to connect more easily with the public and be more attuned to their needs in everyday life.