Dem(Aut)ocracy in Tunisia
On the occasion of the Second Summit for Democracy, the Tunisian United Network is pleased to invite you to participate in a Roundtable for Tunisia’s Democracy on March 27th at 2:00 pm EDT.
As U.S. President Joe Biden has said, democracy remains the best tool we have to unleash our human potential and deliver for all our people. Following the slow motion presidential coup of July 25, 2021, Tunisians and friends of Tunisia have been seeking the best non-violent way to bring everyone back into an inclusive and united movement for democracy.
On Partners for Democracy Day, the Tunisian United Network is hosting a roundtable event on the state of democracy, or autocracy, in Tunisia. The objective of this roundtable is to take stock of all existing efforts and strong ideas to bring back democracy in Tunisia, and to chart a common path forward to resolve all of Tunisia’s challenges.
The in-person event was held on Monday, March 27, 2023, from 2:00 – 3:30 pm EDT at 1800 K Street NW, #1124, Washington, DC 20006.