Demo Finland & Westminster Foundation for Democracy: Enhancing Political Participation and Representation of people with Disabilities in Kenya

In Kenya people with disabilities were not meaningfully included and did not actively participate in their respective political parties. They were considered as part of a box ticking exercise, or tokenism which did not create the conditions for their meaningful representation or their inclusion in policy and decision making.
Demo Finland supported the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and together launched the “Kenya Inclusive Political Parties program.” The program actively addressed the issue through well-structured training, capacity building, knowledge sharing and by raising awareness among political parties. The Foundation also facilitated engagement and interactions between the two sides fostering collaboration. The program involved important local actors such as the Independent electoral boundaries commission of Kenya and the National gender equality commission.
As a result, political parties reviewed and updated their internal strategic documents and manifestos while promoting active participation and meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities through engaging activities and key incentives/waivers tailored to their needs. Additionally, political parties, being more aware and knowledgeable of the topic, committed to address issues concerning people with disabilities. This resulted in people with disabilities being motivated to engage in political activities, electorate processes and even register as potential candidates in their respective political party. Inclusive decision-making makes for better policies and better outcomes which contributes to the overall well-being and development of societies.