Democracy under Threat, from local to international, nothing about us without us!
On Monday 27 March (in the evening from 19:30 – 21:30 CET), Democracy Under Threat discussed the importance of strengthening and renewing democracy. Both in Amsterdam Southeast, as in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. Democracy is the best way to serve people’s interests and the best guarantee of achieving peace. “Nothing about us, without us!”, is our motto in this regard.
On 10 November last year, we as a coalition presented a manifesto at the Democracy under Threat conference. This contained calls to put democracy as a subject much higher on the agenda (also in the Netherlands), to strengthen the rule of law (the government should better protect residents from that same government) and to fight corruption much more firmly, to establish an independent fund that organisations that want to strengthen democracy can make use of, to give more support to dissidents and fighters for democracy and human rights, to deploy more direct democratic procedures, to create more civic education and inclusiveness and to include a structural place in policy processes for future generations.
The Dutch ‘Democratie onder Druk’ coalition organised a series of meetings from Monday 20 March, of which the meeting on Monday evening 27 March was the last one before the global Summit on 29 and 30 March next, where the Coalition was also present.
The event will took place at the New Metropolis Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam Zuid Oost