Dialogue – The challenges of emerging technologies for democracy in the Americas
This event by Democracia Digital invited Latin American experts and authorities to reflect on how emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, algorithms or tools like ChatGTP, can be great advances for societies, but at the same time can generate severe risks that violate human rights, affect the quality and veracity of information, generate social fragmentation and polarization, and degrade deliberation in public spaces, among other aspects of particular importance for democratic coexistence.
- Panelists
- Elaine Ford – Director and Founder Democracy Digital
- Delia Muñoz – Dean of the Law Faculty at Universidad Norbert Weiner
- Luis Adrián Salazar – CEO of Future UX and former TIC Miniter of Costa Rica
- Marta Cantero – REDemocracIA, Research Fellow at European University Institute Florencia
- Omar U. Flores – ML Research Scientist