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Democracy Tracker in Practice

International IDEA would like to invite you to a presentation of its Democracy Tracker, an interactive, policy-oriented tool that monitors and assesses the state of democracy and human rights around the world. This unique tool allows policy makers, researchers, democracy assistance organizations and journalists to assess the state of democracy in 173 countries on a monthly basis. The Democracy Tracker is part of the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Initiative and complements the annually updated, quantitative GSoD dataset. We thought it would be of interest to all the partners and friends of the Global Democracy Coalition and a good opportunity to get feedback from organizations that will be using the tool.


Overview of the Democracy Tracker – Dr. Seema Shah, Head of Democracy Assessment, International IDEA

Brief demonstration of the Democracy Tracker – Atsuko Hirakawa, Democracy Tracker Coordinator, International IDEA

Q&A and feedback

You can register to the event or attend directly through this link. We also invite you to watch the video introducing the tool.