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Youth and Democracy

Empowering Youth Voices in a Global Fight for Democracy

06:00-07:30 CET / 14:00 - 15:30 KST

Hybrid event

The panel aimed to highlight the experiences of young activists challenging authoritarian regimes and the critical role of the Youth Liberty Congress (YLC) in uniting these voices globally. We delved into digital activism, international solidarity, and the crucial impact of youth in advancing the democracy movement. Our objective was to empower a new generation of activists with effective strategies for meaningful engagement, emphasizing youth’s vital contribution to shaping democracy’s future. This session served as both a showcase of young activists’ resilience and an urgent appeal for enhanced global cooperation in promoting democracy and human rights.

● David Arragort (Venezuela): David Arragort is a leading Venezuelan activist, utilizing
technology to champion democracy, human rights, and free speech. He heads the
Decentralized Archivist Community for OpenArchive in Latin America and the Caribbean,
and collaborates with RedesAyuda for digital security training. A recipient of several
awards for digital rights, David holds an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration
from Universidad Simón Bolívar. His roles on the Leadership Councils of both the Youth
Liberty Congress and WLC exemplify his dedication to youth empowerment and his
influential contributions to global democracy discussions.
● Samady Ou (Cambodia): Born in Phnom Penh, Samady Ou was shaped by his parents’
secret teachings under a dictatorship. After studying Law and Management in the US, he
championed Cambodian democracy, leading student protests and writing for an
underground newspaper. As Youth President of the Cambodian National Rescue Party
America and Youth Vice Chairman of the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats, he
significantly impacted global awareness of Cambodia’s issues. Despite risks, Samady
mentors young activists and remains a fervent advocate for democracy worldwide.
● Topjor Tsultrim (Tibet): Topjor Tsultrim, a member of the Youth Liberty Congress
Leadership Council, represents Asia and has been an active participant in the Tibetan
freedom movement. His activism, rooted in family-led protests and advocacy work with
the International Campaign for Tibet, flourished during his time at Williams College,
where he earned a B.A. in Political Economy and English. As SFT’s Communications
Coordinator, Topjor has spearheaded outreach, research, and media relations, making
significant contributions to both local and international advocacy efforts. Additionally, he
works with Rokpa, a non-profit dedicated to improving educational access for Tibetan
youth in exile, showcasing his commitment to the cause beyond his professional work


  • World Liberty Congress