Post S4D Dialogue: Countries commitments and opportunities for engagement
The European Commission and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) hosted the Post Summit for Democracy Dialogue: Analyzing country commitments and exploring opportunities for engagement on 20 June 2022 in Brussels, Belgium and online.
The first Summit for Democracy, held in December 2021, brought together leaders from government, civil society and the private sector to set out an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal. Between the first and second Summit, the ‘Year of Action’ is an opportunity for governments to begin to implement their commitments to democracy made during the first Summit and for civil society to monitor their progress.
This event marked the launch of an International IDEA report including in-depth analysis of the country commitments and a presentation of options and opportunities for the second Summit.
This Dialogue offered a unique opportunity to governments, civil society and other stakeholders to the Summit to discuss Summit for Democracy commitments, share lessons learnt and identify opportunities for engagement for this Year of Action. It featured speakers from EU institutions, government representatives from European Member States, Europe, Africa and Asia, and civil society organisations.
Read the Report