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Restless Development Annual Democracy Moves Conference: Youth Power for Inclusive Democracy – Exploring New Innovation in Evolving Civic and Governance Space

The First Annual Democracy Moves Conference was held October 18-20, 2021, themed: Global Youth Activism in the Midst of Democratic Decline. The June 21-23, 2023, virtually conference Themed: Youth Redefining Democracy and Advocating for their Rights which galvanised over 60 youth organisations and movements to endorse a 10 point advocacy Declaration on advancing democracy, human rights and social justice. In 2024, dubbed the year of elections, we know that young people continue to be sidelined and their voices are still missing in political decision-making spaces. The rise of new technologies, for example, offers both a promise and peril for democracy. This year’s conference will provide a platform for young people to engage in yet another reflection, idea generation, and action in support of good governance.