Fundacio Irla – Challenging Authoritarianism: Gender Equality in the Fight for Democracy

There is currently an ever-growing ideological divide between young men and young women (with young men being increasingly supportive of reactionary, authoritarian politics), which in no small way has to do with far-right campaigns against feminism on social networks.
Fundacio Irla believes that the above-mentioned is one of the means through which authoritarians are trying to undermine democracies, and one in which pro-democracy forces have done little work. As a think-tank, Fundacio Irla aims to influence public debates on matters of democratic quality, democratic liberties, authoritarianism, political participation and good governance but also on more general topics such as gender equality and discrimination. Its work aims at having a tangible impact in the long-run by influencing different political actors and institutions.
The work it has done with regard to the ongoing ideological divide in Spain, for example by arranging a series of debates on topics such as new masculinities or feminist cyberactivism, aims to incite other social and political actors to think and act on the issue, which will lead to positive results long term.