Taxation for development: The impact of the Ebola epidemic on citizen support across West Africa
We explore the impact of the Ebola epidemic on attitudes toward taxation for development in West Africa. Utilising representative surveys…
We explore the impact of the Ebola epidemic on attitudes toward taxation for development in West Africa. Utilising representative surveys…
A new report by Association Guinéenne pour la Transparence (AGT) finds that whilst Guinea has a substantial anti-corruption legal framework…
The Carter Center News is the official newsletter of this peace and health organization. This number features the Center’s activities…
The Carter Center News is the official newsletter of this peace and health organization. This number features the 2020 elections…
As governments work to contain the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, they have relied on their security forces to maintain a rule…
The Partners for Security in Guinea Share Fair provided an opportunity for the project’s participants to gather to share what…
The Partners for Security in Guinea project is pleased to announce the launch of its Guide to Best Practices. These…