International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES): Developing a Culture of Democratic Participation among Women in Rural Tunisia

Although Tunisia has been recognized for its progressive gender policies in comparison to neighboring countries, further efforts are necessary to empower women to equally partake in political processes and social life, especially against the backdrop of policy reversals in recent years.
From 2017 to 2022, IFES made a remarkable impact in empowering women in rural areas, with initiatives reaching 75.000 women. Among these, 350 women were trained as ambassadors of the program, providing a legacy in 15 of the 24 provinces in Tunisia. One of these activities occurred in the lead-up to the 2022 legislative election in Tunisia, as IFES and its local partner WeYouth, engaged more than 9100 women from rural areas in conversations about the new electoral law, ensuring their knowledge about its implications.
Participants explained how they became strengthened by the project. By realizing the value of their voices and perspectives as women, they got empowered to participate in local as well as national democratic processes. The project also served as encouragement for the participants to engage actively in their social lives, as more self-aware and self-reliant women. In addition, participants gained knowledge of democratic processes and developed the necessary language to participate in them, hence fostering a culture of democratic participation and engagement that can be passed forward in their respective communities.