Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development: Delving deep into the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and the overall geopolitical situation In the Balkans

KIPRED aimed to shed light on the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and the tensions it caused in the Balkan region while also highlighting the geopolitical role played by Russia.
KIPRED published a comprehensive policy paper that details the extent of Russian influence and misinformation tactics in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. The publication is a useful tool to fight misinformation while informing the public and policymakers about external manipulations. Additionally, it provides readers with a clear overview of the geopolitical situation in a key region such as the Balkans.
The detailed analysis provided by KIPRED aids policymakers in understanding the complexities of international relations and the specific influences at play in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. This leads to more effective and strategic policy decisions that support democratic principles. The dissemination of KIPRED’s findings empowers civil society organizations and the general public with knowledge. An informed civil society is better equipped to hold governments and international bodies accountable, which is a cornerstone of democratic governance. Among the positive outcomes it is worth mentioning the increased awareness and transparency as well as the strengthened policy formulation which granted EU and Kosovo policymakers a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play thus facilitating Informed and strategic policymaking that is resilient to external influences and better aligned with the interests of the people.