Law and Public Policy Center & Open Government Partnership Positive Outcome Story: Increased awareness of existing challenges and problems related to judicial transparency

The lack of trust towards the justice system is a significant challenge in Georgia. Therefore, opening justice institutions to make them more transparent, accessible and user-oriented gains crucial importance. The use of technologies to ensure open justice and citizen-oriented services had not been thoroughly studied and assessed in Georgia.
Law and Public Policy Center, with the support of the Open Government Partnership through the EU for Integrity Programme for the Eastern Partnership, prepared the first study, assessing the Georgian judiciary in light of open justice principles – transparency, civic participation and public accountability. The study demonstrated that application of open justice principles requires a systemic and comprehensive approach. On January 2024, the Law and Public Policy Center hosted a presentation and panel discussion focused on open justice and user-centered court services. Existing problems were clearly outlined in the study titled “Open Justice and User-Centered Court Services in Georgia – Challenges and Recommendations.” The study revealed significant gaps and challenges and proposed recommendations based on international standards. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion featuring distinguished lawyers. The speakers shared their experiences and discussed existing practical problems.
Positive results from this initiative were achieved through the collective effort to raise awareness of existing challenges and to highlight the importance of promoting open justice in Georgia. The event fostered a critical discussion and experience-sharing, emphasizing the need for improving judicial transparency. The presentation of the study and subsequent discussion underscored the importance of using technology to improve judicial transparency and efficiency. The engagement of attendees fostered a shared dedication to promoting transparency and user-centered services in the Georgian judiciary.