The conclusions of the Conference for the Future of Europe show a strong commitment to the global support of democracy. Nevertheless, in the year that has passed since, the policy of the European Union towards the problem of democracy in Latin America continues to be erratic and ineffective in the fight against domestic and foreign illiberal influence. This discussion paper analyzes the challenges of democratic resilience in Latin America, assesses the EU’s response to this, and issues recommendations for its governing bodies to improve the focus and quality of the aid that is already offered to the region’s struggling democratic governments and civil society organizations (CSOs) fighting autocratic regimes.
As it becomes clear after the recent apparent shift in EU policy towards Latin America’s autocratic regimes, today it is imperative that democratic forces within the Union implement the necessary policies to restrain the spread of illiberalism in Latin America but also remain resolute in the wake of a renewed call from domestic illiberal actors to soften the restrictions already in place.