A podcast series by Angelos Karayannopoulos (core member of Eu Youth Hub), that explores what young activists and youth organizations across the world think and do about Democracy. EUYouthHub (https://www.facebook.com/euyouthhub) is an independent group of young Europeans that conducts research and activities on the EU, primarily in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe, to promote deliberation. Initiative of creation and guidance by the European Programme “Ariane Kontellis” of ELIAMEP (https://www.eliamep.gr/en/, https://open.spotify.com/show/5HXjLtAfHKSC3cCUIPsrYX)..
Podcasts are created and managed by Savvas Papadopoulos, with the support and guidance in production of Dr. Alexandros Kyriakidis.
In this episode, we welcome Sara Maria Barbaglia and Michele Castrezzati, Youth Fellows of IYTT.