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Serbian activist protests against electoral fraud: This is how the people fight for democracy

Currently, autocrats around the world are seeking inspiration from Serbia, where electoral fraud and manipulation have contributed to strengthening President Vučić’s right-wing populist party in the parliamentary and local elections in December.

However, this is not the whole story.

Thousands of Serbs have demonstrated against the undemocratic election in recent months. Opposition politicians went on hunger strikes, student movements set up roadblocks, and activists stormed the city hall in Belgrade.

One of those who has actively participated and mobilised people is Predrag Momčilović. He is an activist, researcher, journalist, and member of the Serbian Green-Left Front party. Additionally, he is responsible for the party’s collaboration with SF, which aims to promote women in politics.

DIPD has interviewed Pedrag Momčilović about the recent election and the people’s struggle for democracy. Predrag Momčilović, who is a Serbian activist, researcher, and journalist, shares his thoughts on the recent election and the people’s struggle for democracy.