After Emmanuel Macron’s win in the French Presidential elections in April this year, France’s electorate is about to vote on the members of its National Assembly. The poll takes place at a time of several major crises, such as rising inflation and the war in Ukraine that dominate pre-electoral discussions. While the Covid-19 pandemic has started its long retreat, its impact on the rule of law in France is still palpable, including through more opaque decision-making and an overstretched justice system. Cause for concern also grows given the campaign of several opposition parties that have questioned the supremacy of EU Law or signalled their willingness to “disobey” certain EU rules. In so doing, they play into the choir of eurosceptics and authoritarian voices in the EU that aim at overthrowing the legal order enshrined in the European treaties. This event will shed light on how French parties are addressing rule of law issues in their electoral campaigns and how the outcomes of this election will impact the rule of law situation in France. The panellists will also explore how the incoming National Assembly will influence France’s stance on rule of law issues in the EU and the unfolding rule of law crisis.