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Citizens´ Convention on UK Democracy

HQ Country
United Kingdom
Office locations
United Kingdom
Where they work
Modality of engagement
Advocacy and agenda setting, Project implementation
Thematic area
Citizen participation, Civil society strengthening, Countering authoritarianism, Democracy assistance, Freedom of expression, Human rights, Local democracy

The CCUKDemocracy is about improving democratic practice and process to regain falling public trust in our politics and democracy by re-engaging our citizens. To do this we work to place democratic deliberation and citizens’ assemblies at the heart of our democratic culture, making it as regular, commonplace and indispensable feature of our democracy as integral to it as voting.

We also demonstrate a fully worked up example of a Citizens’ Assembly in our Proposal to the Prime Minister for a Citizens’ Convention on UK Democracy. It’s basic concepts of independence, impartiality, inclusiveness, and deliberation can be adapted and reworked to tackle many of today’s “intractable” challenges from Climate Change to Social Care.

We also propose at the international level the essential global architecture which is needed if democracy is to overcome autocracy, that includes a global Citizens’ Assembly, a worldwide What Works organisation for deliberative democracy and a new Marshall Plan to spread deliberative democracy in support of our new democracies.

Finally, we are clear that if Citizens’ Assemblies are to be successful in helping to evolve our democracy they must operate in partnership with Government and our elected representatives, not least to ultimately produce practical legislative outcomes.

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