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European Endowment for Democracy

HQ Country
Office locations
Where they work
Europe, Middle East & North Africa
Modality of engagement
Events, Grantmaking
Thematic area
Anti-corruption, Citizen participation, Civil society strengthening, Climate change and democracy, Countering authoritarianism, Democracy assistance, Democratic innovations, Disinformation, Freedom of expression, Gender equality & rights, Human rights, Judicial reform, LGBTQI+ rights, Local democracy, Media freedom, Social movements/collective action, Technology and democracy, Transparency & open government, Youth

The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is an independent grant-giving organisation that supports actors of democratic change in the European Neighbourhood and beyond.

EED was established by the EU and EU member states as an independent, complementary mechanism to provide fast and flexible technical and financial support to democratisation and human rights promotion in the European Neighbourhood.

EED’s flexibility, rapid response and ability to take risks enables it to adapt to distinctive needs and challenging local contexts. EED can respond quickly to changing circumstances on the ground and can operate in difficult, sometimes dangerous, environments that are often off limits to other donors.

At the core of EED’s work is the idea that democracy cannot be imposed from the outside; only change originating from within can lead to a sustainable and inclusive democratic transition. EED’s support is based on a principle of fostering – not imposing – democracy and facilitating initiatives of local actors.

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