The BBE is a nationwide network linking organizations and associations from the third sector (non-profit organizations) and civil society, from business and work life and federal and community institutions. The common goal of the BBE is the strengthening of civil society and of civic involvement. The key objective is the improvement of the general legal, organizational and institutional conditions for civic involvement. The BBE wants to encourage and support concrete projects for actual practice in civil society, the state and business as well as raise and activate political awareness. Thematic activities of the network are carried out in project groups. They are kept completely open in the sense of unrestricted networking to enable contributions of content and uncomplicated access for participation. The project groups work on a broad range of topics and concerns. This is where concrete projects and practical examples of promotion of involvement are developed or launched.
Visit Website
National Network for Civil Society (BBE)
HQ Country
Office locations
Where they work
Modality of engagement
(Civic) education, Advocacy and agenda setting, Capacity building, Convening of dialogues, Events, Project implementation, Research/analysis/knowledge production, Watchdog functions & oversight
Thematic area
Anti-corruption, Citizen participation, Civil society strengthening, Climate change and democracy, Constitution building, Countering authoritarianism, Democratic innovations, Disinformation, Freedom of expression, Gender equality & rights, Human rights, LGBTQI+ rights, Media freedom, Migration, Social movements/collective action