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Political Watch

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Where they work
Modality of engagement
Advocacy and agenda setting, Capacity building, Project implementation, Research/analysis/knowledge production
Thematic area
Business and human rights, Citizen participation, Civil society strengthening, Climate change and democracy, Data, Democracy assistance, Democratic innovations, Human rights, Local democracy, Media freedom, Multilateralism, Social movements/collective action, Technology and democracy

Political Watch is a Spanish, Madrid-based think-and-do tank, part of the Salvador Soler Foundation. Our mission is to create the most appropriate conditions for the formulation, adoption and implementation of public policies and corporate practices that promote a fairer and more sustainable society in the countries where we operate.

We understand that these appropriate conditions require the following key components:

– An active, informed and demanding citizenry.

– A political class and public sector which are responsible, accountable and subject to public control.

– A responsible, informed and accountable private sector.

– Informed, aware and critical media.

We promote these favourable conditions supporting:

– The development of digital tools and civil technologies that enable access to information, civic monitoring and accountability; and

– content creation, as well as real and virtual spaces, to encourage an informed public debate regarding how to respond to sustainable development challenges, inequality, and democratic quality through public policies and corporate practices.

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