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The Truth Telling Project (TTP)

HQ Country
United States
Office locations
United States
Where they work
United States
Modality of engagement
Convening of dialogues, Events, Norm setting, Project implementation, Research/analysis/knowledge production
Thematic area
Business and human rights, Civil society strengthening, Freedom of expression, Gender equality & rights, Human rights, Local democracy, Peacebuilding, Racial justice, Social movements/collective action

The Truth Telling Project supports and implements grassroots, community-centered truth-telling and reparations processes to achieve Black liberation and BIPOC solidarity, amplify traditionally silenced and disenfranchised voices, and abolish white supremacy.

We are a diverse community of organizers, activists, artists, writers, teachers, practitioners and scholars. Our board represents a cross-section of individuals who are committed to structural change, truth telling, healing trauma, and repair. Our networks include Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities from rural and urban locales. We share in common a vision for a just, equitable, and sustainable society free of state-sanctioned violence and systemic racism.

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