REDLAD Positive Outcome Story: Fostering civil society participation and advocacy in Latin America

Fostering civil society participation and advocacy in Latin America remains crucial for democratic development. Building the capacity of civil society groups to actively participate in democratic processes, enhance transparency and increase the access to information, are key areas in this regard, especially concerning historically vulnerable population groups.
The member organisations of REDLAD are continuously making strides to advance democracy within their national contexts.
Firstly, Transparencia por Venezuela, as part of the Citizens’ Forum of the Americas process and mobilizer of the Citizen Corruption Observatory, has despite the repression and authoritarianism in their country, maintained their efforts to generate spaces for dialogue and promote advocacy actions against corruption and for an open civic space. By approaching local offices interested in strengthening the participation of civil society, they generate concrete actions to strengthen democracy, regardless of the risks it represents in respect to the national government.
Secondly, Semillas para la democracia, Focal Point of the Citizens’ Forum of the Americas and chapter of the Citizen Corruption Observatory, maintains an active participation in the defense of democracy and civic space in Paraguay. Above all, in the midst of a scenario in which laws seek to limit the functions of non-governmental organizations in the country, their commitment remains steadfast. Particularly, by consolidating a strong local base of allied organizations, which have articulated actions against the above mentioned bill, as well as by preparing a forceful action in the milestone of the 54 OAS General Assembly in Asunción, Paraguay.
Lastly, the The Regional Indigenous and Popular Council of Xpuji (Consejo Regional Indígena y Popular de Xpuji -CRIPX), a grassroots indigenous organization which is articulated throughout the region for the rights of indigenous nations, maintains an active participation in local and international fora. Specifically, before the OAS, they have been involved in the follow-up to the conformation of the working group to make known at all levels of government of all countries “The American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, as a binding document for the Self-Determination of these.
The members of REDLAD showcase unwavering commitment to the strengthening of democracy across Latin America. Their actions promote the inclusion of minority groups and civil society, contributing to fostering an open civic space and democratic culture across the continent.