The Voice Inc. Positive Outcome Story: Increasing Youth Voice into decision making and resource allocation in Kutubu, Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea has a significant youth bulge and youth unemployment is high. In January 2024, riots shook Port Moresby, driven by underlying causes of unemployment and the rising cost of living. The Prime Minister and the government responded by prioritizing engagement with youth. The National Youth Policy 2020- 2030 prioritizes youth voice into government through the establishment of youth councils in every local level government area and province. Youth councils are designed to capture the priorities of youth around the country and funnel them into multiple levels of government, which in turn help mobilize resources into youth activities. However, establishment of councils has proven expensive, difficult and slower than planned, meaning the flow of voice from, and resources to youth, has been limited. While challenges faced by young people in Papua New Guinea are varied, limited youth voice into government and governance poses a democratic and growing social challenge.
Kutubu is a remote local government area with a high percentage of youth, high petroleum investment, but limited pathways for youth through education and into employment. In 2019 youth across the area were surveyed and stated that youth voice into government decision making in order to access funding for youth pathways into education and employment were critical. The youth wanted a youth council and a funded development plan. In response, in 2023/2024, a partnership initiated by Santos Foundation and the National Youth Development Authority (NYDA), including Kutubu youth leaders and The Voice Inc supported the good practice establishment of the Kutubu Local Level Youth Development Council and its five year development plan. The development plan was collaboratively built, led by young people but shaped by the National Department of National Planning and Monitoring, NYDA, district and local level government (LLG) leaders, church, civil society and private sector. The Voice Inc acted as facilitator of the process, supported by Santos foundation.
In January to June 2024 the youth council was formalized and their five- year development plan was approved, linking with national, district and local government plans and with private sector and civil society support. The Kutubu Local Level Youth Development Council includes six youth leaders and representation from all 18 council wards within the LLG and the plan involves detailed activities to increase youth education, employment and safety. Youth in Kutubu now have a powerful tool to communicate their needs and attract resources to their area. The plan already has buy-in from government stakeholders, is in line with the National MDTP IV 2023 – 2027 and the District Strategic Development Plan and includes activities with agreed funding or support from private sector and civil society. While the youth council still has democratic hurdles to clear in linking more effectively to the flow of government funding, it offers an example of what is possible in PNG when a coalition of aligned stakeholders get behind an established but stalled democratic mechanism.