TTP Presents: October Radical Truth Teller Chino Hardin!
October Radical Truth Teller
October Radical Truth Teller
The Truth Telling Project: July Radical Truth Teller Tai Amri! Working with people who have experienced police violence
Words of the case of Sandra Bland
Own experience
Experience with Police Brutality
Experience in the military and with violence
The Truth Telling Project along with countless others, demand an end to the brutality and violation of human dignity against…
The Kwale Youth Assembly has been instrumental in building the capacity of their fellow youth to effectively engage in governance…
The Oslo Center provided a platform for citizens in Meru, Mombasa and Nandi to identify and develop citizen priorities for…
The Oslo Center conducted townhall meeting in Nandi and Mombasa Counties, engaging citizens in development of manifesto that will inform…