Women’s political careers: where do leaders come from?
This report focuses on women’s motivation to seek, and their preparation for, political leadership roles.
This report focuses on women’s motivation to seek, and their preparation for, political leadership roles.
When women take part in politics, the whole of society benefits. That is the main finding of this report, which…
This policy brief shows that while much remains to be explored, there are clear links between anti-corruption and women’s political…
This research report outlines the barriers women face in their pursuit of political leadership in Southeast Asia. It considers the…
DEFNED and WANEO wish to congratulate the newly elected National Executive Committee (NEC) and all elected officials of the New…
This article examines how Sub-Saharan Africa is a graveyard of numerous development projects, and why while some of these projects…
The Election Guide takes, as its starting point, the standards of membership set down in GA resolution 60/251. Paragraph 9…
This working paper introduces a new measure, People’s Perceptions of Political Integrity (PPPI), in order to understand how different countries…
As Kenya is heading towards the general election on August 9, 2022, it is vital to continuously promote and build…
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, our staff members shared some insights on women leadership and political representation