Pro-Kremlin Telegram channel linked to inauthentic Facebook assets from Côte d’Ivoire
Alleged NGO from Côte d’Ivoire ran inauthentic Facebook assets that promoted its expanding pro-Russia Telegram channel
Alleged NGO from Côte d’Ivoire ran inauthentic Facebook assets that promoted its expanding pro-Russia Telegram channel
In our latest #DFRLabCoffeeBreak, Associate Director Lukas Andriukaitis hosted Assistant Secretary General of NATO for Public Diplomacy Baiba Braže. In…
At the @DFRLab’s 360/Open Summit in June, Director at @NATOStratComCOE Janis Sarts spoke with our Lead Baltic Researcher Nika Aleksejeva.…
Meta’s Global Threat Intelligence Lead and distinguished DFRLab alumni Ben Nimmo sat down with DFRLab’s Lead Baltics Researcher Nika Aleksejeva…
This blog piece examines the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) by the Election Commission of India (ECI)
ARTICLE 19’s new research investigates how content is moderated on major Media platforms in three post-conflict countries – Bosnia and…
Copenhagen Democracy Summit Introduction by Jeanne Meserve, Moderator and Co-host, SpyTalk Podcast, TCEI member and former anchor and correspondent for…
Key Notes by Brad Smith, President and Vice Chair, Microsoft
Listen again to our Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (TCEI) virtual discussion on the U.S. midterm elections 2022, with some…
Democracy is under increasing threat globally. With Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, the battle between democracies and autocracies is heightened.…