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Youth and Democracy

Vietnam Democracy Forum

12:00-15:00 CET / 20:00-23:00 KST

Online event

Vietnam, a country with a rich history and vibrant culture, grapples with complex political dynamics. Economic reforms, coupled with authoritarian politics, have led to environmental degradation, inequality, and corruption. Inspired by East Asian success stories, there are calls for political reform. New political institutions and practices could drive economic transformation toward innovation and technology-based activities. “Democratization” remains politically sensitive, with the authorities’ fear that political pluralism might threaten their control of Vietnam’s one-party system. Regardless, changes are coming. This conference investigated the effects of youth-led political movements in Asia, as well as the case for Vietnam’s democratization. We also reviewed the lessons of history and its impacts on the present democratic movement in Vietnam.


  • Opening Remarks – Le Dinh Yen Phu
  • Referendum and Vietnam Tribunal Judgment – Nguyen Van Nha, LPC
  • Past Achievements – Dr. Elise Pham & Oanh Pham
  • A Democratic Constitutional Model and a Vision for Change – Linh Nguyen, JD
  • Shared Pages of Vietnamese and Korean Histories – Son Nguyen
  • Nguyen Thai Hoc and Other Young Nationalist Leaders for Democracy in the 20th Century – Phan Thanh Chau
  • The Boat People – Dr. Nguyen Nhu Phuc
  • List of 299 Imprisoned Democracy Activists and Those Under 30 – Cao Thai Hai
  • Influences of Recent Youth Movements for Democracy in Asia – Destiny Nguyen
  • Decision 1334: A Doomed Gamble – Prof. Phan Thong Hung
  • The Case for Democracy for Vietnam – Hoang Vi Kha
  • Closing Statement – Dr. Nhatthien Nguyen

*This event was held in Vietnamese


  • Alliance for Vietnam's Democracy