What Does the Next Democratic Paradigm look like? Widening the Horizons
There is another democratic future beyond broken electoral politics or autocracy. One that is more just, joyful, and collaborative, where everyone has meaningful power to shape their societies. At the centre of it is the use of Citizens’ Assemblies—a democratic model that has been perfected and implemented close to 600 times, and embedded into public decision making in permanent ways.
How can citizen deliberation and representation help make collective decisions we take genuinely democratic – in governments, but also museums, public banks, companies, digital platforms, universities and other kinds of institutions that shape our lives? How do we build this future in different parts of the world – taking into account the diversity of contexts and starting points? How do we make sure we learn from the mistakes that led us to the climate crisis and open up human-centred governance?
DemocracyNext’s held a virtual session for Partners For Democracy Day to explore these questions, sharing their insights and moderating a discussion with the participants.
- Panelists
- Claudia Chwalisz – Founder and CEO at DemocracyNext
- Ieva Cesnulaityte – Founding Head of Research and Learning at DemocracyNext
- 16.30 – 16.50 CET – Interventions from Claudia Chwalisz and Ieva Cesnulaityte
- 16.50 – 17.25 CET – Moderated discussion with the participants
- 17.25 – 17.30 CET – Wrap-up and main takeaways