World Liberty Congress Positive Outcome Story: Upholding personal freedom and democratic principles

Nowadays it is common for organizations to pressure for pro-democratic actions on a global scale—actions that can range from the imposition of targeted sanctions on corrupt figures to advocating for a nation’s expulsion from an international body due to human rights transgressions.
The Office of Freedom Affaires, which is part of the World Liberty (WLC) Congress, actively engages with governments, international organizations, institutions, and media outlets while working on different cases of people who have been in prison or in danger of being imprisoned. Two key examples are firstly, Gemma Jones, an Equatorial Guinean lawyer and activist, whose license to practice law was revoked by the Equatorial Guinea Bar Association after she posted a video on TikTok speaking out about the lack of judicial independence in her country. Secondly, Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, prominent Azerbaijani economist and political activist who established the Scholarship Foundation for Stolen Asset Recovery in the UK. Both of them returned home safely because of pressure that the World Liberty Congress, and many other international organizations made for her case.
The World Liberty has been in charge of making both cases visible in the media, political and social networks to draw the attention of governments and human rights organizations and to prevent further actions against these two people. The program has provided support to them and their families. Both Bayramova and Gemma Jones joined the WLC in 2023 and were able to participate in the first general assembly in Vilnius in November of 2023. Both of them have stated that the WLC has offered them a sense of belonging and community and a platform from which to pursue their cases.