Economia amb ulleres liles
Jornades de més de 40 hores, hores extres, correus electrònics en hores intempestives, jornades que s’allar- guen el cap de…
Jornades de més de 40 hores, hores extres, correus electrònics en hores intempestives, jornades que s’allar- guen el cap de…
What is the impact of a pandemic on citizens’ willingness to sacrifice democratic principles? Using the novel COVID-19 pandemic as…
Encouraged by support for a new mandate to be established by the UN’s Human Rights Council (HRC) of a UN…
Civic space is the physical, virtual, legal, regulatory, and policy space where people can, among other things, securely exercise their…
Language policy has long been an arena of contestation and conflict in Pakistan and an essential element of identity politics…
Language is a highly significant marker of individual and collective identities. It often provides an impulse for national or community…
From Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo, to Caucasus and Ukraine, Serbia and Russia are at the epicentre of the crises and…
The Kosovo Observer: Russian Diplomatic Warfare and Media Disinformation is a quarterly report that aims to analyse public statements, press…
Biometric technologies are highly intrusive, violate people’s privacy, fail to adequately protect personal data, and prevent people from enjoying their…
In 2011, Law No. 20,500 was promulgated, on Associations and Citizen Participation in Public Management, which has in one of…