Cities lead the fight against Climate Change
Get to know carbonn climate registry. The Compact of Mayors and cities’ stories of success
Get to know carbonn climate registry. The Compact of Mayors and cities’ stories of success
The world has witnessed a vast increase in climate funding in recent years, with sums expected to grow every year…
Every year we have labored to carry a Word and theme over the movement of the Clean Generation and our…
The Africa Business Forum convenes global business executives, government officials, academic leaders, and Mandela Washington Fellows from across sub-Saharan Africa…
“All hands on deck!” Tackling climate change is urgent but often fails to put people at the center, especially those…
This policy brief draws on joint work of the Open Society European Policy Institute with The Club of Rome and…
This report is co-authored by SYSTEMIQ, The Club of Rome, and the Open Society European Policy Institute. It addresses how…
This paper evaluates both the positive and negative social justice impacts of the European Green Deal and the Fit for…
This report, based on investigations carried out by Lighthouse Reports, focuses on the Spanish pork industry as a case study…
This policy brief is based on stakeholder mappings and roundtable discussions with key actors at the EU and member state…