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Our latest advocacy campaign, “The Voice and Value of Democracy,” launched at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit on May 14 with the slogan #ThankYouDemocracy, highlights the transformative power of democracy in building fair and inclusive societies.

We are excited to present a series of positive outcome stories that showcase the remarkable achievements and innovations of our Coalition partners in 2023-2024. These stories illustrate the meaningful ways democracy is being strengthened across the globe, from enhancing political participation and representation to improving transparency and combating disinformation.

Each story will detail unique efforts to address critical challenges facing democratic societies today. Whether it’s a community organization increasing political representation among marginalized groups or an activist leading the fight against disinformation, these narratives demonstrate democracy’s adaptability and resilience.

By highlighting successful outcomes such as policy reforms, legal victories, and empowered communities, this series showcases democracy’s capacity to bring about meaningful change. These stories not only celebrate achievements but also inspire others to champion democratic values and practices worldwide.

Pen America: Anti-Book Ban Coalition Successfully Halting Educational Censorship Law

Texas has become a key battleground for book bans, and PEN America has been at the forefront of the fight to preserve access to literature. Through its partnership with the Texas Freedom to Read Project (TX FTRP), PEN America has invested in building a coalition of educators, librarians, and advocates to push back against censorship. Their efforts helped stop HB 900, a law limiting book access in schools.

Alliance for Vietnam’s Democracy

Alma Civica

American Russian-speaking Association for Civil & Human Rights

Club De Madrid


CVA Rwanda

Citizen’s Convention on UK Democracy

Democracia Digital

Demo Finland and Westminster Foundation for Democracy

Counterpart International

Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD)

Democracy Next

European Capital of Democracy

American Russian-speaking Association for Civil & Human Rights

Alliance of Democracies

Democracy International

Club De Madrid

Community of Democracies


Integrity Initiatives International

Bosch Foundation

Josef Korbel School of International Studies

Counterpart International

Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats

Dan Church Aid


Georgetown University – Democracy and Governance Program and International IDEA

Fundació IRLA

International IDEA


Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (KIPRED)

International Youth Think Tank

Fundación Multitudes

FUSADES & Hanns Seidel Stiftung

Forum of Federations

The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)

International Foundation for Electoral Systems

The Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD) & The Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA)

National Democratic Institute (NDI)

Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia (REDLAD)

Law and Public Policy Center & Open Society Georgia Foundation

The Voice Inc.

Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe para la Democracia (REDLAD)

Open Government Partnership (OGP) & People Powered

Open Data Charter

New Democracy

Law and Public Policy Center & Open Government Partnership


PEN America

The Netherlands Democracy Coalition (NDC)

Restless Development and Karamoja Women Umbrella Organisation

National Network for Civil Society (BBE); Young European Federalists (JEF Europe)

Law and Public Policy Center & Open Society Georgia Foundation

The Youth Café

Students for Global Democracy Uganda (SGD)

Sine Qua Non (SQN)

Open Government Partnership (OGP)

Universal Rights Group & UNFPA

World Liberty Congress